Why Sweating is Healthy

“Never let them see you sweat”. Not in this case… Because sweating is healthy!

From the time I was old enough to acknowledge when my body was capable of sweating, I was immediately told that I must make sure to never let that happen because it was gross. 

Maybe it was a generational thing, but I remember putting on that thick, white, baby powder scented aluminum filled stick that got all over my favorite glittered top from Wet Seal that made me feel like a “woman”.  Seriously, it was like my 13-year-old self had finally found the missing piece to my regimen of frosted eyeshadow, bronzer that was 4 shades too orange for my face and Victoria’s Secret Love Spell body spray.  

Only when I started to research ways to heal my body from my Breast Explant in 2019, did I find out about the importance of sweating. My body had been playing Super Host to 2 bags of chemical soup for 9 years, and now we needed to do some major house cleaning. It was no coincidence that when I was suffering from Breast Implant Illness that I experienced the worst body odor of my life. Now I don’t even wear deodorant and sweat without scent. Sweat is not “dirty” or “smelly”, the bacteria that is left behind on our skin is what creates that. The truth is, even if I wasn’t trying to heal from Breast Implant Illness, sweating daily is crucial for everyone, because guess what, we’re all a little toxic no?

Even though we may not like it, sweating is healthy. Here are a few of the top benefits of sweating:

Sweat Removes Toxins

Our bodies have many drainage pathways that allow for detoxification. Although our liver and kidneys are often given all the credit being the top tier for this, when the body has acquired an overflow of toxins that these organs cannot handle, our actual body fat becomes the new holding cell. Through the practice of sweating, we can push these unwanted guests through. We’re talking alcohol, product waste from cosmetics, and heavy metals just to name a few. Better out than in, right?

Sweat Releases Endorphins

Endorphins are a hormone that our bodies release to signal the brain of pain relief, mood improvement and overall stress reduction. It’s not a coincidence that we often associate sweaty people with result of amazing sex or a great workout, usually with a big smile on their face. That is endorphin release via sweat at its finest. 

Sweat Gives You Better Skin

When we sweat, we increase and help regulate the way oxygen and blood circulate through our body. This process literally causes us to glow from the inside out, and not to mention we also rid the face of any bacteria that is on the surface. Remember to always wash your face after a good sweat!

Sweat is a Natural Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation is something we all deal with at one point or another. It makes us feel swollen, achy, foggy to name a few. When we sweat by way of perhaps a good cardiovascular workout, our heart rate speeds up, and we start pumping blood at a quicker rate. This helps condition our hearts and build endurance. When we have proper blood flow to our muscles, we can recover at a faster rate and in a more optimal environment which therefore will lower inflammation as we sweat.

  • It is important to note that the most crucial thing we can do while we sweat is replenish our body with the fluid it has lost. Because sweat is made of mostly water with a small amount of salt and fat, we must make sure to replace what we remove. Ideally, drinking water with lemon and a pinch of sea salt is what will hydrate the body at the cellular level we desire to replenish our sodium and potassium.

So remember to get out and get sweaty. Sweat is your friend… a good sweat is healthy!